We love to cook (and eat), here at the chateau. These are not all French recipes, our kitchen is influenced by our exceedingly varied cultural backgrounds and the many places that we have lived and traveled. What all these recipes do have in common though, is that they are gluten and dairy free, and mostly corn free also. They are heavy on the veggies, but not vegetarian, light on the grains and carbs, but not keto.
Given our location, deep in the Gascogne countryside, we are blessed to have access to some of the best ingredients that Europe has to offer. We drink and cook with the local Madiran and St Mont wines and Armagagnacs. We delight in the Gers duck and foie gras of course, but you will also find a lot of South East Asia, Indian and Middle eastern flavours here.
For health and happiness we try to use a little less sugar and little or no processed foods. We prefer organic over conventional produce, when ever we can get it, (and we go out of our way tot get it), and we select meet and poultry from local suppliers with gentle, environmentally friendly practices.