
Medicinal Properties

Also known as bone heal. Hundreds of years of traditional medicin and an abundance of clinical trials have confirmed that the topical use of comfrey root, (leaves less strong but functional), for treatment of bruises, pulled muscles and tendons, sprains, healing of bone fractures, breaks and osteoarthritis. Used as a salve primarily. Internal use is not recommended without the capacity to remove toxic elements.

Where to find it on the Property:

Comfrey is to be found in the old fountain in the main courtyard, in the flower bed along the front wall, and in the tropical planting bed at the south west corner of the upper (Qwe Qwe) pond. There are many varieties of Comfrey, but they are all quite aggressive growers, so we only put it where we want it to run, or where it can be contained.


Medicinal Properties

Strongly Anti Inflammatory, antioxydent, One of the top chives benefits comes from their vitamin K content. In addition to playing a central role in blood clotting, vitamin K is also important for keeping bones healthy and strong.
Because of its involvement in bone metabolism, some studies show that vitamin K may improve bone mineral density and reduce the risk of fractures.
For best results, be sure to pair chives with other vitamin K foods. Leafy greens, scallions, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli and cucumbers are all excellent sources of bone-building vitamin K.

The presence of organosulfur compounds found in chive seed and other plants in the onion family is thought to be responsible for the beneficial effects on cancer, contributing to the action of certain enzymes involved in detoxification that slow the growth and spread of cancer cells.

Also high in choline which supports neurotransmitter synthesis, cell structure, metabolism and more. It’s also thought to play a direct role in liver health, brain function and fetal development. High in quercetin antioxidants quercetin plays an important part in fighting free radical damage, the effects of aging and inflammation.

Where can it be found on the property,

Gite Courtyard flower bed.


Medicinal Properties

One of the oldest known medicinal plants. Use as a steam bath to treat colds, use in a powder of dried flowers (capsual), or alcohol based tincture to limit the growth of cancer cells, as well as for the treatment of ulcers and other gastro intestinal disorders. Use as a tea for sedative and soporific effects as well as to treat hayfever and gout, a cold tea can be used to wash wounds and also for eye infections such as conjunctivitis. Use as an oil influsion, or salve of the flowers for skin inflammation and infection, muscle / menstrual muscle cramps, sciatica, neuralgia, bruises, skin irritations, eczema, hemorrhoids, sores, wounds, mastitis and rheumatic pain.

Location on property:

In the main courtyard. It seems to like growing in the gravel.

Contraindications for herbal use:

Chamomile, a relative of ragweed, can cause allergy symptoms and can cross-react with ragweed pollen in individuals with ragweed allergies. Contact dermatitis may occur when touching the plant. When consuming the tea, there is potential for drug interactions with anticoagulants

Homeopathic use:

As a potentized homeopathic remedy it used used for the treatment of infants with teething pain. Used specifically when the child can not be made happy or comfortable, and is screaming and throwing tantrums.


Medicinal Properties

Infusion of the root for coffee replacement, prebiotic, anti inflamatory, stress reducing, blood sugar regulation, breakdown of fatty acids, used in treament of gout, protects the liver, treatment of osteoarthritis and constipation.

Location on the Property

Below the south hedge and around the south edge of the vineyard below.

California Poppy

Medicinal Properties:

Calmitive. Used for insomnia, restlessness, hypertension or stress. Also used for nerve pain. Use as an infusion 2-3 tsps steeped for 15 mins, or tincture of whole plant (roots and leaes). Tincture can be used internally and topically as a pain-relieving liniment.

Where is it found on the property:

In the planting beds along the front of the castle gates, on south terrace, in the cracks of the orangery terrace


Medicinal Properties

Healing and anti bacterial treatment for wounds and rashes, burns and scars, ear infections and bites. Used topically in a cream, salve, oil or powder. Calendula has been shown to help wounds heal faster, possibly by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the affected area, which helps the body grow new tissue. It is also used to improve skin hydration and firmness. The dried petals of the calendula plant are used in tinctures, ointments, and washes to treat burns, bruises, and cuts, as well as the minor infections they cause. Calendula also has been shown to help prevent dermatitis or skin inflammation in people with breast cancer during radiation therapy

The flowers and leaves are edible and can be added to salads.

Where is it found on the property:

In the potager beds – cultivated

Other names for Calendula:

Pot Marigold, Calendula officinalis, Pot Marigold, Gold bloom, Holligold, Mary Bud, Ruddles.


Medicinal Properties

Used topically to stem bleeding and promote healing, (styptic), hence the folk name “carpenter’s herb” and “middle comfrey”. Internally it is used for respiratory and digestive support, but given that it has had dangerous drug interactions with heart and diabetes medications, it is wise for those on pharmaceutical drugs to research well before internal use. It is also mildly sedative / narcotic and may slow the heart rate the way digitalis does.

Also Known As

Ajuga reptans is commonly known as bugle, blue bugle, bugleherb, bugleweed, carpetweed, carpet bugleweed, and common bugle , and traditionally however less commonly as St. Lawrence plant, carpenter’s herb and middle comfrey.

Where to find it on the property:

In the lawn of the front park, particularly at the west end, (where the large hedge bisects the grounds), and then toward the south of the front park, (the side where the ground rises towards the sides of the driveway).


Look for carpets of blue flowers in early spring.


Medicinal Properties

The root and rhysomes, seed, and fruit are used to make topical salves and can be taken internally directly or as a tea. Angelica is used for heartburn, intestinal gas (flatulence), loss of appetite (anorexia), arthritis, circulation problems, “runny nose” (respiratory catarrh), nervousness, and trouble sleeping (insomnia). Some women use angelica to start their menstrual periods. It has been used to precipitate abortion. Angelica is also used to increase urine production, improve sex drive, stimulate the production and secretion of phlegm, and kill germs. Some people apply angelica directly to the skin as a poultice for nerve pain (neuralgia), joint pain (rheumatism), and skin disorders. Researchers are currently investigating its use in the form of a salve (in combination with other herbs), for the treatment of premature ejaculation. Note there are over 90 types of angelica world wide. some more noted for medicinal qualities, and other for their taste. There is even one variety prised for its usefulness in the making of instruments.

Where to find it on the property

Veggie beds outside the gite courtyard, in front of the door to the chapel.

Contra indications

It has been used as an abortive, so use with caution, and not at all if pregnant.

Angelica stem
Angelica stem


Medicinal Properties

Use raw or in the form of essential oil. Most medicinal characteristics of basil, disappear when dried. Manages blood sugar levels, lowers blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides. Improves circulation and relaxes muscles. Reduces inflamation and protects against infection.

Where to find it on the property:

Depending on the season, we have three types of basil growing in our potager (veggie and herb beds just outside the gite courtyard in front of the door to the chapel.

Black Current

Medicinal Properties:

Black currant seed oil contains a chemical called gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). GLA might improve immune function and help decrease swelling. Black currant berries are antiviral, anti bacterial and contain chemicals called anthocyanins, which have antioxidant effects. There is interest in these chemicals to prevent skin aging and wrinkles. Consumption of the berries has been indicated in treating eye diseases, herpes and reduce the growth of cancers.

Where to find it:

In a pot in the Gite courtyard.

Contra Indications:

Reduces blood clotting. Avoid in weeks before surgery. Contraindicated for those with blood clotting disorders.