
Medicinal Properties

Antimicrobial, antifungal, anti bacterial, antioxidant, hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic, (reduces fats in the blood), anxiolytic, (relieves anxiety), analgesic, (pain relieving), anti-inflammatory, anti-convulsant and anti-cancer.

Coriander is in almost every cuisine around the world and has been for thousands of years. It has also been used medicinally for the prevention of rheumatoid arthritis, as a diuretic, to support the health of the liver, lowers blood pressure, lowers bad cholesterol, helps process blood glucose. High in vitamin K, C, iron and calcium. Making it good for eye, and bone health, energy levels and immune support.

Where is it found on the property:

Coriander is found in the potager beds seasonnally.

Common plantain

Medicinal Properties

Plantain is most noted pulling toxins and poisons. It can be used to soothe bronchitis, burns, coughs, dermatitis, insect bites and stings, peptic ulcers, urinary tract infection and wound healing and reducing inflammation.

Use directly as poltice of fresh leaf, a salve or internally as tea of dried leaf – 1/2 tsp steeped for 10 mins.

Where to find it on the property:

Common and Narrow leaf plantains can be found around the edges of the gravel paths and courtyards as well as in lawns.

Creeping Cinqfoil

Medicinal Properties

Anti spasmodic, anti inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, tonic, fever reducing, diuretic. Used in the treatment of inflammed mucous membranes of the mouth or intestines. As an antispasmodic and anti haemoragic, it is used for Painful periods. Use as a poltice / compress for skin irritation.

To make a compress to relieve skin irritations, boil two tablespoons of chopped fresh cinquefoil leaves in a pint of water. Allow it to steep for 15 to 20 minutes, strain and cool to lukewarm.

The powdered or crushed root or cinquefoil can be used to stop small cuts from bleeding by causing blood vessels to contract.

Cinquefoil is also useful and effective as a means of detoxing and has been found helpful in reducing withdrawal from addictive alkaloids like nicotine and cocaine.

Where to find it on the property:

You can find this low growing plant in the shady corners of the lawns all around the property. For example try the south edge of the front park, in the shadows of the lime flower trees that overhang the driveway. Here it grows along side the Ajuga and Self Heal.


Medicinal Properties

Leaves and roots can be used on sores, cuts, burns, boils and skin inflamation. Edible roots contain gluten and can be eaten like potato or dried and ground for use like wheat flour. Dried pollen can be used as an anti coagulant. Historical use includes treatment of period pains, haemorage, vaginitis and cystitis.

Where to find it on property

We have bullrushes in both ponds, the upper ‘Qwe Qwe’ pond and the lower ‘Ponyo’ pond, as well as in the marsh off the south side of the south lawn, where a spring drains to the south meadow.


Medicinal properties

The astringent berries and bark have been used to treat diarrhoea, while the flowers have been used as a laxative. Sloes were also used as remedies for coughs and colds because of their astringency. The peeled bark boiled in water was a gypsy remedy for bronchitis

We combine with gin or armagnac and sugar, infuse for 3 months and strain to make Sloe Gin or our very own invention, Sloe Armagnac.

Where it is found on the property:

Wild in the South hedgerows, both sides of a 20′ deep hedge.

Along the east side of the orchard.