Medicinal properties:

The leaves have been used to treat rheumatism, colds, and bronchitis, as well as to increase lactation in women. Infusions of the leaves have been used to induce sweating and urination. Borage has been used alone and in combination with fish oil for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, bone weakening. Its traditional use in the treatment of skin disorders has not been supported clinically, but is still in use. Borage seed oil and tea of the dried leaf used for improving the function of lungs, for support of premature infants and teatment of rhumateud arthritis.

Where to find it on the property:

In the gite courtyard

in the veggie garden outside the chapel.

  • Other names for Borage
  • burrage,
  • common bugloss,
  • bee-bread,
  • bee fodder,
  • star flower,
  • ox’s tongue,
  • cool tankard.