Medicinal Properties

Anti spasmodic, anti inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, tonic, fever reducing, diuretic. Used in the treatment of inflammed mucous membranes of the mouth or intestines. As an antispasmodic and anti haemoragic, it is used for Painful periods. Use as a poltice / compress for skin irritation.

To make a compress to relieve skin irritations, boil two tablespoons of chopped fresh cinquefoil leaves in a pint of water. Allow it to steep for 15 to 20 minutes, strain and cool to lukewarm.

The powdered or crushed root or cinquefoil can be used to stop small cuts from bleeding by causing blood vessels to contract.

Cinquefoil is also useful and effective as a means of detoxing and has been found helpful in reducing withdrawal from addictive alkaloids like nicotine and cocaine.

Where to find it on the property:

You can find this low growing plant in the shady corners of the lawns all around the property. For example try the south edge of the front park, in the shadows of the lime flower trees that overhang the driveway. Here it grows along side the Ajuga and Self Heal.