Black Current

Medicinal Properties:

Black currant seed oil contains a chemical called gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). GLA might improve immune function and help decrease swelling. Black currant berries are antiviral, anti bacterial and contain chemicals called anthocyanins, which have antioxidant effects. There is interest in these chemicals to prevent skin aging and wrinkles. Consumption of the berries has been indicated in treating eye diseases, herpes and reduce the growth of cancers.

Where to find it:

In a pot in the Gite courtyard.

Contra Indications:

Reduces blood clotting. Avoid in weeks before surgery. Contraindicated for those with blood clotting disorders.


Medicinal Properties

Leaves and roots can be used on sores, cuts, burns, boils and skin inflamation. Edible roots contain gluten and can be eaten like potato or dried and ground for use like wheat flour. Dried pollen can be used as an anti coagulant. Historical use includes treatment of period pains, haemorage, vaginitis and cystitis.

Where to find it on property

We have bullrushes in both ponds, the upper ‘Qwe Qwe’ pond and the lower ‘Ponyo’ pond, as well as in the marsh off the south side of the south lawn, where a spring drains to the south meadow.


Medicinal Properties

The flower buds of Buddleja officinalis have been found to be anti inflammatory, anti oxident and anti microbial. The leaves of related Buddleja species have been shown to be antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral, and offer much potential as a topical antiseptic.

Use as a salve or tinclure. Not for use internally, it is from the same family as the foxglove.

Flower buds are harvested in spring and used fresh or dried, and the flowers can be dried or used fresh to distil as a fragrant hydrosol. This plant is ideal for an antiseptic poultice for insect bites and other skin complaints. The leaves can be pounded or shredded fresh for use as a poultice directly, or an oil or water infusion made to apply to the skin.

Other names:

Butterfly bush (Buddleja davidii)

Where to find it on the property:

West side of the upper pond.


Medicinal Properties

Burdock root’s diuretic properties may help cut fluid retention and support kidney and urinary function. It may stop issues like urinary tract infections and kidney stones. The root can be peeled and eaten like carrot, can be pickled or cooked. Can be consumed as a tea, tincuture, powder (in pills or smoothies) or homeopathically.

Other names for Burdock

Gobo (Japanese name), ngau pong (Chinese name), harlock, edible goberon, bourholm, eddick, flapper-bags, sticky buttons, beggar’s buttons, clot, clod, cockly, and hurr-burrs.

Where it is found on the Property:

A weekend of Meditation,

Renewal and Awakening

Two days to go deep. 

An intimate journey into the vastness and beauty within yourself.

 Hosted in a gloriously peaceful and beautiful estate, this meditation retreat offers a safe, held space to explore the inner reaches of your awareness and energetics.

Your guide: 

Monique Shefer has 40 years of meditation practice and 

20 years teaching experience in a wide variety of meditations, both seated and moving.

If you have wondered how to take your awareness practice deeper?

If you feel like personal growth is an imperative for you?

If you can taste your own energetic potential but can’t quite find the door?

To RSVP or request more information please contact me through the website

Aug 10-11

10am -5pm

Euros 120

Price includes lunch and snacks both days.

The Practice

I teach a style of Vipassana that combines Tao / Vedantic validation work, somatic presencing, subtle sensory inquiry and inventory, and discernment in intuitive listening.

Wednesday Night Weekly Meditation

Together we will learn and practice a variety of seated and moving meditation styles, often discussing them in the context of personal experience, energetic context, philosophy and science.

These will offer a journey inward, into the beautiful and sometimes contradictory and cacophonous spaces in our bodies and minds.  

I will guide you in the use of structured meditation tools for healing, releasing and integrating the many lessons that lie within.  

As well as tools for settling and connecting, intending and creating.

This is an opportunity to find deep relaxation, to find more of yourself within, and to find the joy and lightness of being that is who you are.  

I invite you to please join us on the journey into true self and spiritual community.

7-9pm Wednesday evenings.

Classes will be held in English

€5 per class for the first 3 months.

Your guide:

Monique Shefer has 40 years of meditation practice and 

20 years teaching experience in a wide variety of meditations, both seated and moving.

The Practice:

I teach a style of Vipassana that combines Tao / Vedantic validation work, somatic presencing, subtle sensory inquiry and inventory and discernment in intuitive listening.

Please contact us to RSVP or request more information.

Energy body
Outside the veil of personality
Sacred Geometry
Enso painting
Enso represents the Tao totality.
Metaphore for somatic tracking
Energy of life
Tree of life
Tree of life


Medicinal Properties

Taken internally as a tea or tincture, sweet bay is used to treat cancer and gas; stimulate bile flow; and cause sweating.

Tincture can be applied to the scalp for dandruff. Salve of the leaves can be applied topically for muscle and joint pain (rheumatism).

Anti fungal properties of the bay nut / fruit can be harnessed as a salve to treat boils (furuncles) caused by infected hair follicles, or by vets as an udder ointment.

Where to find it on the property:

Wild along the side of the stars that run between the south lawn and the pool, and

Cultivated in topiaries in the main courtyard


Medicinal properties

The astringent berries and bark have been used to treat diarrhoea, while the flowers have been used as a laxative. Sloes were also used as remedies for coughs and colds because of their astringency. The peeled bark boiled in water was a gypsy remedy for bronchitis

We combine with gin or armagnac and sugar, infuse for 3 months and strain to make Sloe Gin or our very own invention, Sloe Armagnac.

Where it is found on the property:

Wild in the South hedgerows, both sides of a 20′ deep hedge.

Along the east side of the orchard.

Black Walnut

Medicinal Properties

Anti parasitic, treatment of neurodegenerative conditions and cancer, (tincture of bark, leaf and fresh juice from unripe black walnut hulls); treatment of fungal and viral skin and nail infections, including ringworm, (topical salve of the juice from unripe black walnut hulls; as with all walnuts it affords cardio vascular health support. The juice of unripe hulls (the part outside the shell) can be taken as a fresh plant liquid extract, one to 10 drops, one to three times per day in a little water.

Where to find it on the property:

In the front park beside the drive way, and on the north side of the lower pond.